Sunday, March 20, 2005

Nope, not again

Well, I just wrote a long post and it got deleted, so you know what I say to that? fuck that. It's probably for the best b/c that shit shouldn't be said. Now, I will take it in an entirely new direction and be positive! (even though there's so much negative) For recap of what never got capped in the first place in your eyes: I've wanted to toss certain females out of windows lately, my sleep schedule has been f-ed up again, I was really sick a couple days ago, and I'm more conceited than I want to be in halo. Neal sent me that linked site today and it has been quite entertaining. Visit it and have fun reading about people's confessions. Neal is coming over to the dreary land of Alfred monday, so that should be fun. And then he and Alex are coming down friday! Woo! And intramural soccer starts Thursday when Team Hasselhoff has games at 8:35 and 9:10. I hope we get a good number of quality girls on our team so we don't lose. I want to win all our games. Killian is in charge of contacting them, since nobody else knows where they exist. I've been playing some halo lately and online I've seen some amazing pro clips, montages and the like. Check them out. Friday I skipped English class in favor of playing Halo1 all day w/ James, Brian and Josh and it was very much worth it. I need to fix my sleep schedule again. I practically had it fixed, but then getting sick messed it up again. Stupid viruses...

Wednesday, March 16, 2005


Today was rather lazy. I woke up at 9 to my alarm, but decided it would be better if I went back to bed. So, I did. I set it again for 10 for my next class, but when I woke up for that one, I was also too tired, so I went back to bed. I had some dreams, like one dream where I had left my clarinet in the band room even and then quit the band, so I kept trying to get in the band room and get my instrument back, but I was embarassed to be seen in the band room trying to find my instrument. I kept getting the wrong clarinet, and every time I thought I had the right one, it was somebody else's. Finally, I gave up and just said to the whole band my problem and I got it. Then, I was walking around in the hall and these two guys and two hot but 13-ish aged girls were walking by acting like jerks along beside me in a line. We were walking for a while and I wanted to pass them, but they just kept bumpin into me, until I said, "I'm not havin' a good day, bug off." Then they wanted to start a fight about it, and I just walked away and their insult was, "I recommend you walk away!" even though I already was, so I laughed at them. Then, I got brought into their dilemma, because the girls had kicked a baby to death. They were angry at the child because it had started crying when they were having sex with those two guys and their parents caught them. The obvious thing to do is take your anger out on the helpless baby. Death by kicking! Somehow I witnessed them kicking it to death too. Then, I felt bad about seeing a baby kicked to death, but I woke up soon after. By this time it was almost 330. I do love sleeping long hours too much. Then, I played some Halo w/ James and Brian, then I went lifting w/ Brian, and then I got a buffalo chicken wrap that was way too hot for me and I burned up my entire mouth, but still it was good. Then, mark was drunk and being goofy in the suite. I played some more halo then the network died. Now, I'm talking to Derek for the first time in months. He broke up w/ Nicole last monday, who he'd been dating for over two years, maybe pushin' three. Life sucks when relationships end, but it sounds like it was all her fault and he had no choice. Whatev. But now, I'm goin back to bed to dream of killing innocent creatures.

Sunday, March 13, 2005

Livin' in a Winter Wonderland

Reasons I haven't blogged for a week include: I was at home so I'm not on the computer much, I'm lazy, and I forgot my password. Needless to say, many amazing noteworthy things happened, and I would tell you about them, but I forgot. Maybe they weren't so important after all. I will touch upon some things I recall, for your enjoyment:
Friday...I arrived and did nothing; Saturday, I spent w/ Blair and saw Be Cool; Sunday, my sis came over and we cleaned, cooked, and shopped; Monday, Gagne and Alex came over and we had an excursion; Tuesday, my sister came over again and then my parents came back from Florida; Wednesday, nothing I recall; Thursday, hung out with the Gagneé at the YMCA, attempting to learn how to wall-flip (which only ended in pain and failure); Friday, I went to UB and toured the place, and I saw Steve for a bit; Saturday, I went to Jen's party and saw everybody again; Sunday, I went to the Seussical w/ Jake and Blair, then came back here. Now, I am here, and my week is over and summed up in one sentence. I left a basket of stuff at home, and I'm sad, because spending time with my parents leaves me feeling depressed, and then they tell me I'm depressing, and it makes me more depressed, then they tell me all the things I have to do and all the decisions I have to make, and that is furthermore disheartening. It seems like I'm only happy when I'm around people, and yet here I am, in my room isolating myself from others with my closed door, with an essay to start and it's due tomorrow. Sigh... There's one thing that would make me happy right now and that's not happening. On the bright side, it appears I caught the cold my parents have had for the past week. I'll cut the crap: I'm in Alfred, and it's not that exciting. My week off was not essential, and though somewhat informative, it was not utilized properly to maximize my satisfaction. So for everyone reading this to keep tabs on me, there it is: I feel like bla right now, but thanks for your concern. I'm going to get started on that essay now, because I'm all about the getting of "things" achieved recently. Best of luck to everyone else returning to college or home.

Thursday, March 03, 2005

Frats of Stupidness

The trend I've noticed most recently is the joining of fraternities. They've been around forever, but I don't see the appeal of them. Keith recently joined a frat, and I was surprised, because he doesn't drink. Frats have always been around for three reasons: to meet people/friends, to socialize, and to drink. Maybe somewhere in there goes "fit in," and "not be bored." I would have a hard time getting in a frat, mostly because of the hazing. If anybody tried to haze me, I would haze them right back. I would take the brothers, stick 'em in my van, and drive them off a cliff. This would earn me respect, because they would find out I don't take shit from them. Then, since a brother or two would be dead, I would replace them. The idea of tradition to back up hazing is wrong, and the idea of superiority, rankings and servitude in a frat is dumb. That's why I would never join one. My mind was completely blown when keith said it was a non-drinking frat that focused on community service. In my opinion, what he joined should not be called a fraternity, because all frats involve drinking (especially the binge variety, because puking is cool).
I played some raquetball today w/ keith, and consequently hit myself in the knee twice with my racquet, which really hurt. I now have large red mark, a swelled up bruise, and some pain. Then I also got nailed in the ear with the ball, and then again in the back, which resulted in some racquet destruction of my own accord. Now it's all lopsided, but it looks far cooler. I ended up draining myself of anything resembling energy, and I suck without it. I hope I don't do that for soccer. I turned in our team roster today, since I didn't want to walk down to McLane tomorrow, but I didn't have confirmation for some of the girls. I put them down anyway, just in case, and then made up an alias of Jacky Brown, in case we get a miscellaneous girl who wants to play on our team. I'm thirsty. I'm going to get a drink. Ok they refilled the vending machines, so I'm happy. Now I'm bored again. I'm going to bed early. Peace out, bitchesss.

Fun Stuff on Thursday

Right now, I'm sittin here playing poker listening to Neal's quality radio show, Rock Beats Scissors. The last two days were awesome w/ my suitemates. Last night, after Josh's radio show, we played some hilarious ridiculous Halo, and lately this suite has been characterized by awesome sessions of chilling and dp dough. The only bad news was that jezebel, who our suite had a fascination with because she sounded super hot and she is good at halo, (who's name is Ashley, is 21 and lives in New Hampshire), has a husband and kids. So after that, my hopes were dashed. It was a running joke w/ the suite. Looks like it's time for Josh to play "Dateless Losers" again. I downloaded some music yesterday, and thus found myself in a conversation with a 19 year old mexican. He didn't speak English, so I spoke in spanish. Consequently, I ended up saying things like "mi professor de español eres burón," and I don't even know what that means. But I don't think he caught on. I'm very good at pretending to know a language. It was fun. After 10 or 15 minutes of talking in a different language, I decided spanish was not my forte, so I left. Maybe once I take spanish again, I'll be more able to engage in foreign language conversations.
Today, I set my alarm for 9am, so I could turn on Neal's show when it started, but I slept right through my alarm, like I sometimes do. As anyone who's known me knows, I am a heavy sleeper and very tough to wake up. If my subconcious doesn't want to wake up, there's very little that can be done to change its mind. 656 9399 is Neal's radio show number. I would call in, but I'm pretty sure there are more digits I'd need to get across the state boundaries. He said djwruv was the screen name I could reach him at in the studio, but it's not signed on like it was yesterday.
Oh, I lost my room key yesterday after dinner, so that was bad. I was almost sad enough to look for it in the cold snow, but I refrained. Then, on my desk, lay my key. It was no longer lost. Today is completely full with lack of plans. It's 100% likely I'll end up playing Halo at some point, because the games have been much more fun, as of late, than they are usually. My mind is being uncreative again, like a wombat full of cheese, so I'm going to leave before you catch on.

Wednesday, March 02, 2005

Why not?

I don't feel like blogging.

Tuesday, March 01, 2005

Wizards Makes Me Happy

This calls for a celebration. The deck that completely dominated, and has continued dominating the Standard environment of the past year and a half has been the Affinity deck: a deck that wins very fast and requires very little thinking. Everyone who doesn't play it, and even some who did, hate it. Wizards today, has in my mind redeemed itself by banning everything that has made Affinity decks so unfairly overpowered: Arcbound Ravager, Disciple of the Vault, AND the five artifact lands. By banning just the first two, as most people like me thought they would do, affinity decks could still be mediocre. Since they also banned the artifact lands, affinity is completely CRUSHED!! That makes me a very happy little boy! I never, EVER liked affinity's presence, despite having the deck just because it was good. Banning the lands has pretty much made my day, and I'm sure hundreds of thousands of Magic players around the world feel similarly. In celebration, I bought a Betrayers of Kamigawa box on ebay just now. The set, as I've said, looks quite fun, interesting and powerful. I can't wait to start building some decks and discover what cards I will receive. Yay! Aside from my glee with Wizards, I went to some classes, and anthropology was cancelled because of the snow. I also played a little bit of halo, but our internet connection is wicked slow because Alfred isn't hard-wired to anything, so the snow made the play glitchy and stupid enough to make Brian say, "dah!" We had a fire alarm go off while I was playing at 5, and I kept playing for a few minutes. I was like, "You go on without me!! I'll be okay!" to my suitemates, but eventually I left, and nobody died. Then, instead of wither and freeze in the cold, I went w/ Nick to eat. Genius! Since then I've been reading Magic articles while listening to music, because I'm cool like that, and I have to catch up on my magic skills, since I haven't paid any attention to magic in a couple months. I also thought of a wicked good line in poetry (not just a good line). It makes me shimmer with joy when I think about it. Maybe someday soon I will come up with a poem to put it in. Anywho, I'm done telling all you non-magic familiars about my happiness with magic. Time for something productive.