Thursday, April 07, 2005

It's time for a poem

Image of Self (or some such title)

You are a commoner,
but your friends call you "unique."
Somehow, you wound up on a ship
and got washed out to sea,
knowing you have a face that's easy
to forget,
and a name that's hard
to remember.

When the sun shines,
the clouds disappear.
Nothing else matters.

When the sun isn't shining
you don't know when it will.
We stay holed up in our living quarters,
hiding from the inevitable.

Sometimes the seas are rough.
As a sailor, it affects you
but not everyone
(not that they matter).

How can they judge you
when you return?
They've been on land continuously
and who knows where you've been?

You may tell them,
and they might listen,
but you are lying
because you have no choice.
We are clouded.

And even though you were gone,
the sea is in the past.
We gaze over the shimmering surface
and see nothing but beauty.

The sun sets.
Children return to their homes.
The streets grow silent.
We have the decision to go back.

So that's a poem I provide to you. I wrote it during English when I was supposed to be discussing some book. It needs a title though. Tell me what ya think and I will give you a cookie. Seriously. I can get them from the dining hall. Some of them are even edible. I'll see if I can get one of those. They have some sugar cookies that aren't bad half the time. Spring is here and it makes me very happy: not just the fact that winter is over, but that there's something in the air that's different and it carries with it a feeling of glee. It's been very warm and sunny lately. Everyone has been outside. I even spent two and a half hours playing ultimate frisbee with some of my compadres and associates. It was good. I also leveled up to 16 today again, woot! And today is good because it's Friday! Recently I had up the away message "I may be on your buddy list, but that doesn't mean you ever talk to me," and it got numerous responses. Pity is the best. Guilt tripping works. I had many people message me and one of them I hadn't talked to ever. I felt clever for instigating so many responses. Elyse said my message was so sad, but actually it's true, and it's true for a lot of people, not just me. Josh has a subheading for his buddies called, "people I know but don't talk to." I told him he could put a lot more people on that list. If I had that title, I would put almost everyone I know on it, and there's a fine line constituting the "almost." If anyone knows a good book to read, tell me, because I need to read some more so I can increase my brain stats and have a vocabulary. I'm pretty sure I used to use words I can't even understand now. The 15 year old me was probably more vocabularily competent, and only slightly less wise, though wisdom is nothing but a series of opinions. Darn it. I'm really thirsty now. Hot Dog Weekend is this weekend. I'm going to bed now. Cheerio!


Anonymous Anonymous said...

You mentioned me in your journal!!! I feel so special :-D

April 11, 2005 at 12:17 AM  

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