Nope, not again
Well, I just wrote a long post and it got deleted, so you know what I say to that? fuck that. It's probably for the best b/c that shit shouldn't be said. Now, I will take it in an entirely new direction and be positive! (even though there's so much negative) For recap of what never got capped in the first place in your eyes: I've wanted to toss certain females out of windows lately, my sleep schedule has been f-ed up again, I was really sick a couple days ago, and I'm more conceited than I want to be in halo. Neal sent me that linked site today and it has been quite entertaining. Visit it and have fun reading about people's confessions. Neal is coming over to the dreary land of Alfred monday, so that should be fun. And then he and Alex are coming down friday! Woo! And intramural soccer starts Thursday when Team Hasselhoff has games at 8:35 and 9:10. I hope we get a good number of quality girls on our team so we don't lose. I want to win all our games. Killian is in charge of contacting them, since nobody else knows where they exist. I've been playing some halo lately and online I've seen some amazing pro clips, montages and the like. Check them out. Friday I skipped English class in favor of playing Halo1 all day w/ James, Brian and Josh and it was very much worth it. I need to fix my sleep schedule again. I practically had it fixed, but then getting sick messed it up again. Stupid viruses...
Casey, where have you gone :-(?
Where have I or am I presently going? That is the question. I would ask the same of you, but your anonymity prefers the question of who, rather than where. Strangers are cared less for than friends. Check yourself, foo!
I posted anonymously because, well, you didn't need to know that Elyse was bothering you once again...I mean some random person...
Hahaha. I giggled. It reminds me of Calvin's cryptic hostage letter to Susie concluding with "you cannot find me, you cannot trace me. Sincerely, Calvin."
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