Sunday, February 27, 2005

Keith Wins Without Trying

So, all I'm saying is that I went to check to see if Keith finally had more visitors than me; he had 593. Then, I went on my site to see the number and I had 592. So, I was the one person that sent him over the edge finally to surpass my traffic. Damn him! Actually, Damn You! If you had been busy refreshing my page 30 times a visit, he would've never caught up. So F U, disloyal, non-obsessive compulsive viewer. Although, in my defense, keith does give himself traffic whenever he sees his own blog, and I don't, so he's actually cheating. That's right--unfair play! I win by default. Nothing else is happening. I'm going to bed. I've cured myself of my addiction to Halo2, since I no longer desire to play that game. The secret was to play stupid, non-fun games, and be unable to quit out, so you're trapped in this horrible game. Or, maybe it was to play so many hours as to wear itself out. Or, maybe I'm just temporarily sick of it. I'll still play if my suitemates or someone else I know is playing, but other than that I'm done. It is the end of myself.
I was supposed to go lifting at 11pm w/ mark, but he left to bowl w/ Nick at 9 and didn't return until now. Pretty much, today was unsignificant and boring. I read myself up on Betrayers of Kamigawa and that set looks pretty powerful and fun. Wizards is also contemplating banning a couple infinity cards to make infinity decks far less dominant, which should make all other decks more playable, thus, more fun for all. My apologies to all unfamiliar with Magic the Gathering, for that game is amazing. Now, as my psychology textbook suggested, I can find out how many hours of sleep I need by going to bed rested and seeing how many hours I sleep until I wake up.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

I refreshed your page until I was the 600th don't say that I'm unloyal.

Hmm...did I just admit that? Great, now instead of everyone picking on you for caring they will pick on the girl who refreshed so she could be #600...

February 27, 2005 at 8:05 PM  
Blogger Casey said...

Oh goody! You refreshed 8 times. Didn't you read that Brian had Mr. Drunken do it until he reached four digits? I need my Mr. and Mrs. Drunkens as well, and until I do, less than ten clicks will not do it for me. But thanks for trying. Come back and try again when you're serious about it.

February 28, 2005 at 12:44 AM  

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