Sunday, February 13, 2005

Weekend Jamble

Once again, I must begin with excuses. Keith made the accusation/point that I don't blog everyday, which I semi-disagreed with. I try, sort of, when I care, but that isn't every day. However, since I was away in places other than Alfred, I have a valid reason this time.
Friday, Keith an' I left on a returning voyage to the amazing place of Canandaigua. He was bitter because he had to wait for my "sorry ass" to leave English class, which meant another 5 hours in alfred for him. Oh, dread! I had a dinner then we went up to Dennis and Josh's apartment, where we would spend the night. This girl, Sarah, was there from high school, and Pat too. Seems a bit strange to me that kids in college are hanging out with high school girls, but I guess when there's a certain hotness level to be had, there are exceptions. My idea was that when you go on to college you stop hanging out with high schoolers, but apparently this isn't always the case. I think the oddity of it all is heightened by the fact that I graduated early, so really, she's only one year younger, though I've been in college two years. So, it's a bit different than I initially thought.
It was really fun at the apartment. We got there at 8, after a stop at Tops, and after playing a fun session of "catch the ball" and having a smoothie of the frozen Strawberry variety, we played poker. Sarah and Dennis were playing, so I didn't think much of this game going on very long. Consequently, my heavy betting was frequent, even over really crappy hands, because hey, stupidity enhances fun. An hour later and we're still playing. Even when Pat joins, we just keep going. There was no second game anytime soon. I ran out of chips after the first ten minutes, then I decided to play better. When you don't have any chips, it really doesn't matter how well you play. So I had people covering my ante of 1 chip, for a while, so the max I could win was 5 chips. I managed to downplay my disappointment by being overly retarded and extremely excited when I had two or more chips, like it was the best day ever. I also repeatedly tried, unsuccessfully, to steal Dennis' chips. But since I always did it right before his eyes, I never had them for long. Damn. Next time I'll bring spare chips that I'll randomly bust out and play with. Sarah left at 1230, and JB was asleep in preparation for his diving meet, so those remaining talked. Then Dennis left for bed, so Pat, K-man and I talked. Then Pat left and K and I talked. It was pretty cool, conversing about friends, high school, and various things that popped into our heads. We were asleep at 230am, then I awoke at 1045 to people making fun of my unconciousness. Keith and Dennis had gone to the mall already somehow. To me, 1045 on a Saturday was wicked early, so I was proud of myself. We saw Josh dive at 12ish, which wasn't the most exciting thing. Honestly, I was bored. Wrestling meets are thousands of times more exciting. One black kid nearly died doing some backflips though, so that was exciting. When it was over, Lauren and Dennis were hitting each other, and Dennis was acting tough, which he absolutely isn't (and he knows it), so that was funny. Keith's friends are pretty cool, despite what some people might say. I get along well with their company and enjoy their hilarity. I guess I went home and did some wiring of appliances for my family, and random stuff related to the TV for a few hours. Then, we watched Spartan and Without a Paddle, both of which were good. On the day that seems like today (because it probably is), I woke up to my mother's bidding at 1030 for some omellete and bagel foods. This is very unusual for my mom to make food, but I ate it, and the eggs were strangely good. Then nothing happened until suddenly I was here, reporting these events and non-events to my readers. My mom and dad were both talking to me about what Major I would move into, what college I would join, what job I would get, both for the summer and career-wise. It was annoying, because I really don't know, so it's stress to think about. I guess I gotta decide sometime though. I'm not sure if my spell-check is working, because the last few blogs I haven't had a single misspelling. I guess I'm just a genius when it comes to spelling words. Such is my gift and curse, for misspellings on other blogs bother me. If you type something, even as casual as a blog, I think it should spell words correctly. Punctuation can suck, because I don't know how to use it, so I won't notice bad punctuation usually. It does bother me though, except for every time and again. That's it for now. Go find something better and more important to do. In fact, send me an IM. That would entertain me. My socializing on AIM has dwindled to the brink of the void, and I don't want to get sucked in. Nevermind about commenting, because no matter how much I threaten you or your cats, you really don't care. Last time, I made it abundantly clear you should comment, and despite getting another 15 visitors, only 3 responded. You guys suck. And only two of the three were positive, so that's more reason to say I suck. Darn. Looks like it's time to find something better to do with my time.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Only two of the three were positive? Was I the negative one?? I hope not...

February 13, 2005 at 10:10 PM  
Blogger Casey said...

Woot! A comment! Could it be that reverse style psychology led you to post? Threatening also worked. I need means to get others to also. The answer is yes. You said yourself, you felt you had to act like a girl and be offended, and you responded as such. And by the way, I didn't even quote Teen Girl Squad, so the thing I did right, I didn't, unless Strongbad's emails count. But thanks, anyway. Your concern overwhelms me.

February 14, 2005 at 1:41 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

"when you fall in a bottomless pit, you die of starvation"

You did quote Teen Girl there

February 14, 2005 at 3:01 PM  

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