Friday, February 04, 2005

Guessing Games

Sometimes, when I see a girl, like if she's not facing me, I will wonder whether she is hot or not. I'll generally rate her based on the shape, build and shininess of the hair. It will take me a few seconds, but finally I'll come up with my answer as to whether she's hot. Sometimes she'll turn around and I'll be completely fooled! I'll walk up to her and tell her she tricked me. I usually won't know her name, so I'll just say, "hey, you fooled me!" Then, I'll walk away. They never catch on. The worst is when I think she's attractive, then she turns around and (alas!) she's not hot at all. Indeed, repulsive. I want to run away. I even feel ashamed for mistaking her for a hottie. When this happens, I feel so betrayed and so ashamed, that I will often go to my room and cry later that night. This happens several times a week here at Alfred. By this time, I should know the number and names of everyone who's hot on campus, but sometimes I'll get my hopes up. This happened to me today at Powell, as she checked her mail. Her hair was very shiny, so I gave her high marks in that category, and she was built alright. But the shininess blinded my judgement and I predicted she was good material to study. Then she finished checking her mail and turned around. The horror! It's days like today that make me not want to play this game, because in situations like this, there are no winners. So my advice to you, if you venture to identify attractive women when the opportunities arise: prepare for the worst, because when you're wrong, completely wrong, it's like getting slapped in the face with a grotesque, hairy, used dildo, and that's never a good thing.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

In response to guessing games, I think your method of deciding whether a girl is hot or not seriously flawed. What if her hair is up? What if she's having a bad hair day? What if her hair is under a hat?
Instead, your criteria should lay with what she is wearing. Yes, I believe this a far superior, although probably shallower, basis for hotness. Plus, it gives you an in on their personality.

February 5, 2005 at 11:01 PM  
Blogger Casey said...

Clearly I take these things into account...except perhaps whether she's having a bad hair day. My terms are more general than specific. I can tell whether they're hot or not regardless of how well their hair is doing on a given day. Anyway, my system is good enough for me. Clothing they're wearing only tells you how hot they want to appear (how much they're trying), not how pretty they actually are. Thanks for your comment, though. I'm glad someone else plays this game, too.

February 6, 2005 at 1:46 AM  

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