Wednesday, January 26, 2005

Crack is Addictive

I am a terrible person because I just played Halo2 all night. Since about 6pm I've been playing. It's so addicting. I didn't even tell myself I should stop until 3am and then it took another 45 minutes to quit. But Xlive is the shit, and today was my first time, so it was extra enjoyable. I'm up to level ten and I just started today(you start at level 0)! Apparently my progress is very quick. I've been dominating almost every single game tonight, even as the competition got harder. My best accomplishment was getting 20 kills and no deaths, against level 8 contenders. But in every game except four, I was leading my team, and I probably played (doing math in my head) 48 games tonight. I was on a roll, and that's why I couldn't stop. You want to know why I'm bragging? Because I'm so very proud of myself, my skills: everything. I also loved hearing at the end of lots of games, "Wow, Tot kicked ass! Way to go!" based on my stats, from highly ranked players. My gamertag is A Young Tot(thus, you were killed by a young tot, etc.), and a couple times tonight I heard people amused at my name, so that made me happy. I did order my books today, so that was an accomplishment, and even though I didn't make it to any meals, I cooked myself pastas, and that was delicious. Brian and I played for a couple hours, and he was tearing it up too, so it was fun. And Josh no doubt still thinks he's a million times better than me due to his cockiness("I'm not insulting you; it's just that I play a lot more Halo than you so I have more practice). Well in my opinion, tonight anyway, I was playing better than anyone on campus could have, and when Josh did play, I ranked ahead of him. Yes, it bothers me that I don't get recognition without asking for it, but hopefully getting a high ranking will convince him that I don't suck, and then he won't have any excuses. Is it sad that someone thinks they're better than me and it upsets me? Maybe, maybe not. But for some reason I think I have something to prove. Anyway, I am going to play Halo2 a lot now because I'm in a lot of pain when I walk or move as a result of a damaged kidney, so my injury is keeping me glued to the Halo screen. At least my eyes don't hurt! That means I'm blinking! I'm so proud of my ability to blink. I now have class in four hours, so I'm a get to bed.


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