Sunday, February 20, 2005


If I had a girlfriend, what would I do with it? I would treat it with respect. I would always say nice things to it, like: "you look good today, just like every day, because you're georgeous," even if it wasn't. I would take it for walks, because I've heard those things like walks. I would spend quality time with it, like it was a good pet, with benefits. I would be sure to say, "yes, of course" to it, even when it was wrong, because those things like it when you agree and "support" them. Most of all though, I would have to treat it just like another human being, because such things apparently don't like being objectified. So if you find yourself in girl trouble, just ask yourself, "What Would Casey Do?" and the proper answer will shine through.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hmmm.. now do you keep saying "it" because gender isn't important to you?

February 21, 2005 at 5:43 PM  
Blogger Casey said...

No. The word "girl" before "friend" states the gender. There is no gender confusion here. The word "it" is used to refer to the one previously mentioned, in this case the girlfriend, yet carries the meaning that "it" refers to a nonhuman entity, such as a possession. You've completely misunderstood the whole point, and if you can't understand something as simple as the word "it," I'm wasting my time explaining it to you. Good day, moron.

February 23, 2005 at 1:19 AM  

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