Shopping and Such
Today was much fun. Alex picked myself up at nine, then Neal up and we went began our day. First it was the bank, then the den for an hour, then the mall for many hours of wandering around jubilantly and little tokyo dining. It was 40 degrees and rained for a couple hours until the roads were ice free. I got my shopping done. We ran into a bunch of people throughout our journey. First it was Kyle and Tim Spayd and Cailin at the mall. Next we were driving from the mall to Wegmans and Neal said "that looks like Gagne's car. Pull up and see," and sure enough it was gagne and his parents, at an intersection in the middle of no where. We had thought he was in Maine but he had returned and was now on his way to Colorado and we had bumped into him in the hour or so time frame he was present in Canandaigua. We chatted during the stoplight then did wegmans and walmart and ran into many other people like Will Sacco in those stores to the point where it was weird. We wasted a lottt of time throughout the day but it was much fun. We got to Alex's house about five and I had no car so i was stranded there. I felt really tired so i took a nap for 10 minutes and then we played magic with will and his friend, who happens to be really talkative and annoying, but i put up with it. Anyway, the magic games involved too many people and were slow so they sucked at first, but we had some good ones later on. Eventually it got too competitive and alex felt disrespected when he was losing and also his sisters pissed him off a lot. People went home about 12 and we watched some family guy and dr. adventure and some crap show and I played alex in chess. Alex took the game personally, and i destroyed him, but it took forever with him just avoiding certain defeat and he wouldn't forfeit, and neal was like "why'd you do that! you could have done this!" and that got him pissed. Neal and I argued, I saying that what neal was talking about wasn't going to defeat me because i had options, and neal saying it was, when the pieces were long since moved, so neither of us could prove the other wrong, and alex was annoyed. When I won, alex just said, "you guys gotta go" and kicked us out fairly quickly. In the car I brought up his anger and he explained why he was pissed and we apologized and I hope he isn't pissed for long. He seemed more pissed at his sisters, but we still felt bad. Anyways, Neal and I are having a very interesting conversation about multiple subjects right now and I am signing out, wishing you a merry christmas on a merry christmas eve! May the Christmas spirit find your home and bring you many great material goods.
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