Friday, December 03, 2004

Dqahhhhh!! I don't like esceula. I've been studying for far too long in increments of time strung together continuously without stop forever I'm tired!Blahhhhhhhhh. ANgry FacE! It's bright outside and there's snow everywhere! If I had a giant flamethrower, I would walk with it to class and noone would get in my way. In Japan they have big rooms that are designed with things in them specifically for being destroyed and angry japanese people pay to rent this room for an hour and they can destroy everything in it!! This is a fantastic idea and I want one of these rooms right now so I can break stuff and create stupendous mahem. How did i manage to study for 5 straight hours without flinching? Answer: No idea! But I still have more studying to go and it's crazy dumb. But the physics book is really cool: if you read everything a billion times, it almost sinks in! Actually, my frustration turned to joy when I discovered there were answers to the quiz questions in the book at the end of the section! Hooray for answers to my questions! After this test I'm going back to bed and then I have this super gay meeting at 3pm that I don't want to wake up for. Well, I just took a 40 minute break and I must avenge myself.


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