Thursday, January 13, 2005

Why Break is Long

So at one point some great analyst went to alfred and said "you get the Sucks Cock award" based on the degree of toughness of engineering courses and number of art students. Realizing that students wouldn't want to come back to alfred, let alone return with any hint of enthusiasm, some genius came up with the idea of giving us Alfredians wayyyy too long of a winter break. By the end of this break, students would hopefully be ready and willing to go back to college. They like to remind us that when there isn't pressure of schoolwork to be done, there's always a home to return to, with parents that take away all your freedoms and make you hate life. I'm not necessarily speaking of myself, but lots of my friends dislike their parents/household. Then add on the fact that a bunch of kids return to college earlier, so that the last week here is filled with a lack of friends and anything fun to do, and you have yourself a bored teen. Yes, when you don't have a job/never want one, life gets boring and redundant, but it's the fact that Alfred purposely makes kids bored as a means of manipulating our emotions to return to college with a sense of relief so that when our parents first ask us how college is we will respond "good!", that really bugs me. This design they've come up with to give us all our break at one time is not only wasted, it is EVIL. We basically get summer break, winter break, and jewish holidays off. All those other holidays celebrated by every other college are neglected by our great administration, and we don't get a spring break. Yes, it's tyrannical and manipulative and I hate it. It would be far better to the extreeeme if breaks were spread out. Take this last week or two of break we've just had and spread it out through the next semester, and you have two weeks worth of well-appreciated days. Countless are the times during school when I would have cherished a day off of school sometime that week to catch up or goof off. Having days off now is a complete waste because you have nothing to rest up for or rest up from, and thus rest is not appreciated, and then there's also the lack of fun activities. I don't like long breaks. So that is my stance on breaks that are too long: they make me unhappy.
Anyways, I've been having fun recently. Today I played my dad in raquetball at his urging. He clearly assumed he would win, though he never said so, because when I started to kick his ass he got angry and started cursing under his breath. My dad usually never curses, but he sounded angry. I got the impression that he didn't want to lose and lightened up enough to have him win game two, but he still never smiled. He was taking it way too personal and serious, and my comments like "nice hit" and acting skills like I couldn't get there in time were of no consequence to his state of mind. See, he used to be good at everything he did, and when he played raquetball in the 70's, he was the best in the finger lakes region and won tournaments and such. It's hard to reveal to someone that they have gotten too old to compete with a highly athletic 18 year-old. He was keeping track of every point and being way too serious. So raquetball for me was more painful than fun because I had to witness his frustration with his oldness and his cursings at things. So what did I learn? Nothing that I can think of. Then he tells me he loved playing raquetball with me and didn't even remember who won. I guess I still had fun, but felt bad for winning at the same time.
Recently I just built a deck that changed like 5 times in the process. It started out being a red/green splice deck, then evolved into a r/g splice/shaman deck, then a g/r shaman deck, then a g/b shaman/control deck. It should be fun to play tomorrow. We're getting together at Neal's house at 1pm I guess. 1pm might not work for me; I told my dad I was free until the night time and I just got word of the time and place and it's too late to notify anyone. But my dad told me to wake up at 10am tomorrow, as a means of slowly rotating into the time frame I should be experiencing while at school. Ugh. I also destroyed 4 decks that weren't complete or hadn't played due to the suckiness inherent in the cards. I own the song but I just recently saw the awesome video today: As far as videos of sexy women with power tools go, this one could be the best. I also saw a funny blog called 'my period' and now I have a strong desire to buy a hat. Anyways, perhaps I will have my techno questions answered tomorrow as a result of gagne's presence. Dirty wenches, ahoy! And I love when I try to publish my blog and it says some type of error happened and it gets erased. It's a very good thing I copy what I wrote right before I click publish, or I would feel very depressed and would start throwing things. It's not that my blog is important, it's that I would feel that my time spent here was a complete waste. If it was important enough to be thought up, then it's worth saving. All my thoughts are legendary. I would hate for a piece of me to be lost. It would require that I have blogger's head on a platter, if there is a person named blogger responsible for this site, and there should be. Anyways, I'm going to try to publish this again. Waste yourselves, clowns with dysentery!


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