My Friends Ruin Weekends
Josh and Brian were headed to Josh's house in Syracuse for the weekend I had been informed many times. When I returned from Thermo and Mat Sci on Friday I found everyone's door locked and Halo 2 and controllers taken. I realized that after a hard week I would have to face the weekend without Halo2. I went to bed at 7pm and woke up Saturday at 3pm with still nobody in my suite. The utter quietness propelled me into utter boredom and I ended up listening to depressing music, watching SB emails 1-50, and intermittently emailing strongbad in hopes one would get answered. Eventually, at 9 I mustered up the gusto to knock on Killian's door and play my addiction. Soon, killian, sarah, and pat arrived and we moved up to my empty suite to play. I played like shit but it still felt good to be around others enjoying a game I love. We played in large games until 3pm when kil and sarah left, then I played campaign--dying repeatedly and laughing at my terrible and sad efforts, despite progressing. Finally, Pat and I played co-op and beat it on heroic, before finally getting to sleep at 7am. And so today everyone returned from Syracuse, jovial as hell having had a blast of a weekend together in syracuse adventuring. Simply put, I'm pissed. It makes me rethink whether I like my friends at all and whether I want another semester housed with them. They made plans to go to Syracuse for everyone but me and never told me they were even leaving. Imagine my joy when I found out they had all snuck off without giving me an invite. So I'm experimenting with not talking with them. So far I haven't said a word to them, only nods of the head, and nobody has noticed. I'm pissed. Noone at dinner said a word asking how I was or anything at all involving me; they simply could care less about me so I'm flipping the board. Game over for them; I'm creating my own game, I'm playing by myself, and nobody even noticed. I look at what I once considered the funniest people alive with hatred now, despising their laughter, their jokes, their walk, their faces, their existence. It's tough enough having to have a bad day every day of your life, living every day hoping the next won't be as bad, but to realize you don't like your friends and roommates is putting a hole in my shallow bucket and asking me to keep if full.
Okay, so I was pissed, but I never meant those last few sentences. I stopped talking to them for a while but I didn't look at them with hatred. I was just upset at the time at what they did. They since apologized and I hold no grudges anymore.
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